Monday 16 March 2009

Tile Challenge - Chris

We're doing a collaborative work on the forum whereby each participant choses a colour scheme and everyone makes 3 tiles in that colour to create a hanging collage piece.

Chris is first up with yellows and oranges, and here's my effort.


penibear said...

oooo, gorgeous, Audrey!

Galina Varese said...

Excellent tiles, Audrey, very romantic.

Jo Capper-Sandon said...

A wonderful trio...great work Audrey.

Carol Q said...

fabbo Audrey!

joanne wardle said...

gorgeous, these are going to all look good together

Karin said...

Great tiles Audrey. It's going to look really fab.

Kaz said...

these are gorgeous girly, love the romanticness of them!! :)

Emma said...

they're beautiful Auds.. love them.

deb said...

Fab tiles Audrey, can't wait to see all these together.